195 poze   20066 vizite


Written and composed by Michael Jackson, Janet
Jackson, James Harris ||| and Terry Lewis


Tired of injustice

Tired of the schemes

The lies are disgusting

So what does it mean

Kicking me down

I got to get up

As jacked as it sounds

The whole system sucks


Peek in the shadow

Come into the light

You tell me I'm wrong

Then you better prove you're right

You're sellin out souls but

I care about mine

I've got to get stronger

And I won't give up the fight


With such confusions don't it make you wanna

Your bash abusin victimize within the scheme


You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize


Somebody please have mercy

Cause I just can't take it

Stop pressurin me

Just stop pressurin me

Stop pressurin me

Make me wanna scream

Stop pressurin me

Just stop pressurin me

Stop pressurin me

Make you just wanna scream


Tired of you tellin the story your way

It's causin confusion

You think it's okay


You Keep changin the rules

While I keep playin the game

I can't take it much longer

I think I might go insane


With such confusion don't it make you wanna

Your bash abusin victimize within the scheme


You find your pleasure scandalizin every lie


Oh father, please have mercy cause I just can't
take it

Stop pressurin me

Just stop pressurin me

Stop pressurin me

Make me wanna scream

Stop pressurin me

Just stop pressurin me

Stop fuckin with me

Make me wanna scream


Oh my God, can't believe what I saw

As I turned on the TV this evening

I was disgusted by all the injustice

All the injustice


All the injustice

(News Man)

A man has been brutally beaten to death by

Police after being wrongly identified as a

robbery suspect. The man was

an 18 year old black male...


With such collusions don't it make you wanna

Your bash abusin' victimize within the scheme


You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize


Oh brother please have mercy'Cause I just can't
take it

Stop pressurin meJust stop pressurin' me

Stop pressurin meMake me wanna scream

Stop pressurin meJust stop pressurin' me

Stop pressurin meMake me wanna scream

Stop pressurin meJust stop pressurin' me

Stop pressurin meMake me wanna scream

Stop pressurin meJust stop pressurin' me

Stop pressurin meMake me wanna scream tradus in romana
Satul de nedreptate
Satul de scheme
Cam dezgustat
Deci ce vrea sa insemne
Sa ma dobori
Trebuie sa ma ridic
Tot sistemul e naspa

Arunca o privire in umbra
Vino in lumina
Spune-mi ca am gresit
Apoi sa faci bine sa dovedesti ca ai dreptate
Tu vinzi suflete dar
Mie imi pasa de al meu
Trebuie sa fiu mai puternic(a)
Si sa nu renunt la lupta

Cu asemenea confuzii
Nu-ti vine sa tipi
Tu lovesti abuzezi persecuti in cadrul schemei

Tu incerci sa faci fata orcarei minciuni pe care ei o cerceteaza

Cineva va rog sa aiba mila
Pentru ca nu mai pot indura
Incetati sa ma presionati
Doar opriti presiunea asupra mea
Ma faceti sa tip
Incetati sa ma presionati
Doar opriti presiunea asupra mea
Incetati sa ma presionati
Ma faceti sa vreau doar sa tip

Satul de tine care spui povestea in felul tau
Se fac confuzii
Tu crezi ca e bine

In continuu schimbi regulilee
In timp ce joci jocul
Nu pot sa mai indur mult timp
Cred ca o se innebunesc

Cu asemenea confuzie
Nu te face sa vrei sa tipi
Tu lovesti abuzezi persecuti in cadrul schemei

Tu iti gasesti placrerea in a scandaliza orice minciuna

oh tata,te rog ai mila ca
Eu chiar nu mai pot sa indur
Incetati sa ma presionati
Doar opriti presiunea asupra mea
Incetati sa ma presionati
Ma faceti sa tip
Incetati sa ma presionati
Doar opriti presiunea asupra mea
Incetati sa ma f**eti
Ma faceti sa tip

O Doamne,nu pot sa cred ce am vazut
Cand am aprins televizorul in aceasta seara
Am fost dezgustata de toata nedreptatea
De toata nedreptatea

Toata nedreptatea

(prezentatorul stirilor)
"Un barbat a fost lovit cu brutalitate pana la moarte de
Politie dupa ce a fost identificat gresit ca fiind
un posibil hot.Barbatul avea 18ani, era negru..."

Cu asemenea concluzii
Nu-ti vine sa tipi
Tu lovesti abuzezi persecuti in cadrul schemei

Tu incerci sa faci fata orcarei minciuni pe care ei o cerceteaza

Oh frate,te rog ai mila
Pentru ca nu mai pot sa indur
Inceteaza sa ma persecuti
Doar opreste persecutarea asupra mea
Ma faci sa vreau sa tip
(repetat de 6 orï)

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